
The Self-Storage Mastermind

is giving back

We have all been blessed with great success over the years and we make an effort to give back to our communities and those in need.
– Scott & Christina Meyers

Dear Friend,

My name is Scott Meyers. As I understand it, I am the nation’s foremost Self-Storage “Guru.” I have shared my strategies with thousands of people all across this great country and making several millionaires in the process.

Over the past 14 years I’ve gone from renovating $24,000 fixer-upper homes to rehabbing several multi-family apartment complexes, industrial buildings, and office complexes. Now I’m happy to be focusing solely on purchasing and developing multi-million dollar, state of the art, Self-Storage Facilities.

However, our most important contributions to society have come through our various missions and charities. We have been blessed to be in a position to help provide the world’s most desperately poor and homeless from around the world, with some of the most basic of human needs.

Our company, Self-Storage Profits, Inc., has committed a large portion of its allotted budget to being a repeat sponsor to numerous orphanages, schools, and charities around the world. At one point, we almost lost our real estate empire and were nearly forced to file bankruptcy. Ultimately, we were spared from financial ruin, my wife Christina and I felt compelled to honor God by helping those around the world who aren’t afforded the opportunities available to us here in America. We do this in gratitude for the mercy and compassion showed us during the years we endured our financial crisis.

Homes of Hope

Back in 2013, our family was invited to go on a mission trip with our friend Dave Lindsey (prominent founder of Defender Direct, Indianapolis) to build a home in the Dominican Republic. All we had to do was pay our airfare. This was the mission trip I had always wanted to find for our family but couldn’t see how to make work until then.

As a result of this experience, I told my wife Christina that I wanted to replicate this program and pay for our staff, students, family, friends, and business associates to go and experience a family-friendly short-term mission trip such as this. So we began to tithe corporately (give 10% of our profits) to a fund that would allow us to share this experience that has helped change our family and company to a family and company of givers. To date, we have built 12 homes and plan to build 3 – 4 each year as we are able.

YWAM San Diego/Baja is an independent 501-c3 nonprofit. Youth With A Mission (YWAM) is an international, interdenominational Christian missions movement launched in 1960 by Loren Cunningham.

Charitable giving in mexico

We began pledging our support to the Centro de Apoyo Psicopedayogico (“The Little Yellow School House”), located in Isla Mujeres, Mexico. On a recent trip we donated some much-needed clothes, school supplies, and financial assistance to this struggling institution.

The main purpose of The Little Yellow School House is to provide instruction to children with special needs. Some of these children aren’t able to attend public school due to mental handicaps. (These disabilities include mental retardation and Down syndrome. Some are handicapped with learning disabilities such as hyperactivity, attention span deficit, dyslexia, paralysis, etc.) The school assists approximately 35 children and growing.

About 85% of these students come from homes of alcoholics. Many are from abusive homes. The school offers a group therapy session for the parents of these children. These sessions help them better understand the needs of their families.

Our COllaboration with

The Caring House Project

The Caring House Project Foundation was founded in 1998 with a mission to return stability and hope to homes where the most basic needs of shelter are not being met.

Its mission has expanded over the years to include elements now crucial to a self-sufficient existence. This existence is where the poor and homeless will no longer have to rely on government nor charities. They will be able to sustain and improve their lives on their own.

CHPF is now creating villages based upon this self-sufficiency. Such projects are taking place in Testasse and in Los Cacaos, both in Haiti. Los Cacaos included 35 double homes, a 3,125 sq. ft. community center, a health clinic, and an establishment of renewable food sources to maximize annual yields. This project touched nearly 700 lives.

However, The Caring House Project Foundation is not in the charity business, they are in the self-sufficiency business. They identify where a small sprinkling of free enterprise might provide for ongoing, life-sustaining capital. When they find it, they must immediately go to work to provide opportunities.

Compassion International

Through Compassion International, our family sponsors Raul, aboy from Nicaragua who shares the same birth date with our son, Anjealye, a girl from Peru who shares the same birth date as our oldest daughter, Liceth, and Natalie.

Compassion International exists as a Christian child advocacy ministry. It is able to release children from spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty. This, in turn, enables them to become responsible, fulfilled Christian adults.

Reverend Everett Swanson founded Compassion International in 1952. It was able to provide Korean War orphans with food, shelter, education and health care, as well as Christian training.

Today, Compassion helps more than 900,000 children in 24 countries.

A large part of being able to give back comes from our desire to get our own personal finances controlled. It was only after years of financial struggles and a near-bankruptcy than we realized the need for a budget. Having a budget allowed us to eventually pay off all our personal debt.

Our Inspiration

None of this would be possible had we not been exposed to both Crown Financial Ministries and the teachings of Dave Ramsey.

Both offer programs and tools that help dump debt, get control of your money, and learn new behaviors around money. These are ideas that are founded on commitment and accountability. They teach people how to be financially responsible. This responsibility will enable them to acquire wealth. This wealth enables them to take care of loved ones, live prosperously into old age, and give generously to others.

These two organizations provided us with tools to understand how to manage our personal and business financials and Biblical Standards.

As a result, I now devote a fair amount of time serving as the Financial Ministry Coordinator of my church. I do so as a trained Personal Budget Counselor to singles and couples who may be struggling financially.

Remember: “Each of us are fortunate to be blessed with the ability to succeed at some level. This success is not for our sole benefit, however, but so we might apply the result of our success to assist those less fortunate.”

Apply for the mastermind

If you think that you’re a good fit then go ahead and apply. After we receive your application you will receive a call and we will invest 20-30 minutes on the phone together to determine if you are a good fit for the mastermind.